About Me

Location: Cincinnati

GitHub: themistogenes

LinkedIn: Justin Alimaras

E-mail: jalimaras@gmail.com

Resume: PDF

I am a web developer. For a long time I studied Classics (Greek and Roman Studies) formally. Once free of the shackles of academia, I found sustenance in a large warehouse, laboring at night by fluorescent lighting. The yarn I brought into the labyrinth, that I might one day find my way out, was a desire to code. That desire evolved into a new passion. Joy in Classics comes from appreciation, that is, from reading dead languages and marveling at the deeds of bygone times. What I enjoy about coding is creation, bringing new web projects and applications to life. I specialize in the M.E.R.N. stack.

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  • deployed_code Another Random User Generator generates a random user using the randomuser.me API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Another Recipe App lets you search for recipes using themealdb API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Ball Animation is a spinning ball which you can speed up, slow down, or reverse. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Budget App keeps track of your expenses and budget. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Chuck Norris Jokes generates random Chuck Norris jokes using the chucknorris.io API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Cocktail App lets you search for cocktail recipes using thecocktaildb API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Color Game is a game where you guess colors based on rgb values. View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Country Guide lets you search for countries using the restcountries API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Dictionary lets you look up words using the dictionaryapi.dev API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Drum Machine lets you play the drum on your computer keyboard. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Flashcard App lets you make your own flashcards. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Gif Search lets you search for gifs using the giphy API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Keycode App tells you the keycode when you press keys on the keyboard. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Lorem Ipsum Generator generates lorem ipsum. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Meme App generates random unfunny memes using the meme-api API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Movie Guide lets you look up movies using the omdb API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Movie Land is another movie search app using the omdb API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Museum of Candy is a website for the fictional Museum of Candy. View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Music Player plays music in the browser. View GitHub
  • deployed_code News App lets you read news articles using the newsapi.org API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Price Tiers is a design for the pricing section of a product or service. View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Pokemon Card Generator generates pokemon cards using the pokeapi.co API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Profile Scroller lets you scroll through dating profiles using the randomuser.me API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Random Joke App generates random unfunny programmer jokes using the jokeapi.dev API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Random Quote App generates random quotes using the api.quotable.io API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Random User Generator generates random users using the random-data-api.com API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Recipe App lets you search for recipes using the edamam.com API. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Say a Color lets you change the background color by using your microphone. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Scorekeeper lets you manually keep score. View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Shopping List lets you make a shopping list and filter items. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Text to Speech speaks whatever text you write. View GitHub
  • deployed_code To-Do List is exactly what you expect... View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Tracalorie App keeps track of calories consumed and burned. View GitHub
  • deployed_code TV Search lets you search for tv shows using the tvmaze API. View Project swords View GitHub
  • deployed_code Typicode Todos is exactly what you expect... View GitHub
  • deployed_code Video Player plays a video in the browser. View GitHub
  • deployed_code Weather App lets you look up the weather using the openweathermap.org API. View GitHub

Certification & Education

  • account_balance course: Next.js from Scratch, Instructor Brad Traversy
  • account_balance course: MERN Stack from Scratch, Instructor Brad Traversy
  • account_balance course: Modern JavaScript from the Beginning, Instructor Brad Traversy
  • account_balance course: React Front to Back, Instructor Brad Traversy
  • account_balance course: The Web Developer BootCamp, Instructor Colt Steele
  • account_balance Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN, MIT (8 month online bootcamp)
  • account_balance MA in Classics (all PhD req's completed except diss.), University of Cincinnati
  • account_balance Post-BA in Classics, Columbia University
  • account_balance courses: German and Italian, Queens College, City University of New York
  • account_balance course: Intensive Ancient Greek, Summer Greek Institute, Graduate Center, City University of New York (10 week bootcamp)
  • account_balance BA in Environmental Economics & Latin (double major), Colgate University

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